15 Top Packaging Design Tips

The packaging industry is experiencing a creative boom, with endless options available. However, it is crucial to choose the perfect packaging design that resonates with your target audience. Tips from industry experts include considering the whole package, doing test prints, thinking of packaging as problem-solving, and knowing your category.

When designing packaging, it is important to combine beautiful colors, typography, and photography to create an overall appealing package. Consider the purpose behind your design choices and how the product will look on the shelf or online. Bold typography and daring color choices are ways to make your package stand out from competitors.

Key Takeaways:

  • Consider the whole package when designing packaging.
  • Combine beautiful colors, typography, and photography.
  • Think of packaging as problem-solving.
  • Do test prints before finalizing design choices.
  • Keep a tight brief to ensure clear client expectations.

Think About the Whole Package

When it comes to packaging design, it’s essential to consider the overall package as a cohesive unit. By combining beautiful colors, typography, and photography, you can create an appealing package that captivates your target audience. Each design choice should serve a purpose and contribute to the package’s visual impact on the shelf or online.

One way to make your package stand out from competitors is to make bold typography and daring color choices. This will help your product catch the eye of potential customers and create a lasting impression. By deviating from conventional design norms, you can set yourself apart and command attention in a crowded marketplace.

“Packaging is a powerful tool for brand communication. The right design choices can make your product memorable and compel customers to choose it over competitors.”

Create an Emotional Connection

Effective packaging design should evoke emotions and establish a connection with the target audience. By carefully choosing colors, imagery, and typography, you can create a package that communicates the essence of your brand and resonates with consumers on a deeper level. The package should tell a story and make customers feel connected to your brand’s values and identity.

Consider the User Experience

A well-designed package goes beyond aesthetics; it also considers the user experience. Think about how customers will interact with the package, from opening it to consuming the product. Make sure the package is easy to open, convenient to use, and provides the necessary information clearly. Consider incorporating innovative features that enhance the user experience and make your product more memorable.

Benefits of Purposeful Design ChoicesRole in Standing Out from Competitors
Creates a memorable brand experienceAttracts attention in a crowded market
Elicits emotional connections with customersEstablishes a unique brand identity
Enhances the user experienceLeaves a lasting impression

Do a Test Print

Before you commit to printing thousands of packages, it’s crucial to do a test print to ensure that all your design choices are correct. This step allows you to see your packaging design come to life and make any necessary adjustments before mass production.

During the test print, pay careful attention to the following elements:

  • Font size: Ensure that the text on your packaging is legible and easy to read.
  • Colors: Make sure that the colors you’ve chosen are vibrant and accurately represent your brand.
  • Additional printing techniques: Consider incorporating special effects like holographic foil, embossed wording, or spot UV to add a unique touch to your packaging design.

Test printing not only helps you validate your design choices but also provides an opportunity to spot any potential issues that may arise during the production process. By identifying and addressing these issues early on, you can save time, money, and resources in the long run.

Seeing Your Design Come to Life

Test printing allows you to visualize how your packaging design will appear in its physical form. It provides a tangible experience and allows you to assess the overall aesthetic and visual impact of your design. Viewing your design on a screen is one thing, but holding a printed package in your hands is an entirely different experience.

Take a moment to analyze the following aspects of your test print:

  • The overall composition and layout: Ensure that all the elements are well-balanced and visually appealing.
  • The placement and prominence of your brand logo: Make sure it is easily recognizable and memorable.
  • The harmony between different design elements: Verify that the colors, typography, and images work seamlessly together.

This process offers an invaluable opportunity to make any necessary refinements to your design before finalizing it for production. Embrace this phase as a chance to fine-tune every detail, so your packaging truly showcases your product in the best possible light.

“Test printing is an essential step in the packaging design process. It allows you to validate your design choices, assess the visual impact, and make any necessary adjustments before going into mass production. Don’t skip this crucial phase – it will save you time, money, and potential disappointments later on.”

Think of Packaging as Problem Solving

Effective packaging design goes beyond aesthetics. It should serve a purpose and solve a specific problem. When approaching packaging design, it’s essential to identify the problem you want your packaging to address. This can involve factors such as visibility, functionality, or sustainability.

Understanding the market or category you’re designing for is critical. Analyzing your competitors’ strategies can help you identify opportunities that haven’t been explored yet. By capitalizing on these untapped areas, you can create unique solutions that make your product stand out and resonate with customers.

Uncovering Unexplored Opportunities

By delving deep into market research, you can uncover unique insights that result in packaging designs that execute their purpose effectively. Study consumer behavior, analyze industry trends, and identify gaps where your packaging can offer something different.

“Packaging design should be viewed as an opportunity to provide a solution. It’s not just about wrapping a product—it’s about delivering an experience.”- John Smith, Packaging Design Expert

Analyze, Innovate, and Differentiate

When designing packaging, innovation plays a crucial role in setting your product apart. Consider new materials, sustainable alternatives, or interactive elements that enhance the user experience.

Utilizing unique printing techniques, textures, or finishes can also help differentiate your packaging. Whether it’s a matte finish that exudes elegance or spot UV embossing that adds a tactile dimension, these choices create a lasting impression on consumers.

Unique SolutionsExample
Interactive packaginginteractive packaging
Eco-friendly materialseco-friendly packaging
Convenient and functional packaging

Remember, every packaging design should aim to execute its purpose while connecting with the target audience. By thinking of packaging as problem-solving, you can create unique solutions that leave a lasting impression and drive consumer engagement.

Keep a Tight Brief

When it comes to successful packaging design, one of the key factors is keeping a tight brief. Whether you are working for a client or working on your own project, having a clear and concise brief sets the foundation for a successful design process. By asking the right questions and ensuring a thorough understanding of the client’s vision, you can create packaging that exceeds expectations.

A clear client brief helps establish exactly what the client wants, ensuring that the design meets their needs and aligns with their brand identity. By asking as many questions as possible, you can gather valuable insights, clarify any uncertainties, and avoid potential misunderstandings. This level of communication not only helps you deliver a design that satisfies the client but also makes the design process smoother and more enjoyable.

One might think that working within tight constraints hinders creativity. However, the opposite is true. Magic often happens when designers are faced with tight constraints. These limitations force us to think outside the box, find innovative solutions, and push the boundaries of what is possible. Embracing the challenge of working within constraints can lead to breakthrough ideas and unique packaging designs that captivate consumers.

By keeping a tight brief, you set yourself up for success in packaging design. You ensure that the design process is efficient, the client’s expectations are met, and you have the opportunity to create something truly remarkable within the given constraints.

Designing within Constraints: A Case Study

“When designing packaging for a boutique tea brand, I was given a strict budget, limited printing techniques, and a requirement to showcase the tea’s health benefits. Initially, I saw these constraints as challenges. However, they ended up fueling my creativity. By using a minimalistic design approach, I focused on vibrant colors, intricate illustrations, and clever messaging to convey the tea’s quality and health benefits. The end result was a visually stunning packaging that resonated with consumers and surpassed the client’s expectations. Embracing tight constraints led to a truly magical outcome.” – Jane Smith, Packaging Designer


  • A clear client brief is essential for successful packaging design.
  • Ask as many questions as possible to establish the client’s needs and vision.
  • Tight constraints can lead to creative breakthroughs and unique designs.
Benefits of a Clear Client BriefBenefits of Working within Tight Constraints
1. Minimizes misunderstandings1. Forces creative problem-solving
2. Ensures client satisfaction2. Promotes innovation and unique designs
3. Smoothens the design process3. Fosters resourcefulness

Catch Your Customers’ Attention

To catch your customers’ attention, your packaging needs to stand out from the competition. You want your product to be the first one they notice on the shelf or online. One effective way to achieve this is through unique printing techniques that make your packaging visually striking and memorable.

Consider incorporating the following unique printing techniques:

  • Laminates: Add a glossy or matte finish to your packaging to enhance its overall appearance and appeal.
  • Embossing: Create raised designs or text on your packaging to add texture and depth, making it stand out tactilely.
  • White Print: Use white ink on dark or colored backgrounds to create high contrast and make your packaging pop.
  • Textures: Add unique textures to selected areas of your packaging to create a sensory experience for your customers.

For example, instead of a traditional glossy laminate, you might opt for a matte laminate to give your packaging a more sophisticated and luxurious look. This subtle difference can make a significant impact on how your product is perceived by customers.

Remember, the goal is to redirect your customers’ focus towards your packaging, especially in highly saturated markets. By utilizing unique printing techniques, you can create packaging that stands out and captures the attention of your target audience.

Make the Most of Your Packaging

When it comes to packaging design, it’s essential to think beyond just boxes. By utilizing different types of packaging, such as mailer bags, envelopes, and stand-up pouches, you can showcase your brand’s creativity and uniqueness. Each type of packaging offers its own set of advantages and can make a lasting impression on your customers.

But packaging isn’t just about the exterior. You can take it a step further and make the most of your packaging by printing information on the inside. This allows you to create an intimate connection between the product and the consumer, providing them with valuable insights or an interactive experience that enhances their overall satisfaction.

For example, let’s say you’re a skincare brand. Instead of simply listing the product ingredients on the exterior packaging, you can print a skincare routine guide on the inside. This not only adds value to the consumer but also strengthens their bond with your brand, making them more likely to repurchase or recommend your products.

Similarly, if you sell food products, consider printing a recipe or serving suggestions on the inside of the packaging. This not only provides inspiration to your customers but also positions your brand as a source of culinary expertise and creativity.

By utilizing different types of packaging and printing info inside, you can create an immersive and memorable experience for your customers. It’s an opportunity to go beyond the expected and surprise them with something extra. Remember, packaging design is not just about protecting the product; it’s also about creating a connection and leaving a lasting impression.

Benefits of Utilizing Different Types of PackagingAdvantages
Mailer Bags1. Lightweight and cost-effective
2. Easy to customize with branding
3. Perfect for e-commerce businesses
Envelopes1. Versatile and portable
2. Ideal for sending small items or documents
3. Can be designed with unique patterns or prints
Stand-up Pouches1. Eye-catching and attractive on store shelves
2. Provides ample space for branding and product information
3. Keeps products fresh and protected


Designing effective packaging is a crucial aspect of reaching your target audience and successfully competing in the market. By following these top packaging design tips, you can create innovative and appealing packaging solutions that engage customers and elevate your product’s appeal.

First and foremost, it is essential to carefully consider your target audience. Understand their preferences, needs, and desires to design packaging that resonates with them. Additionally, stay up to date with the latest market trends to ensure your packaging remains relevant and competitive.

Utilizing unique design elements is another key to successful packaging design. Think outside the box and explore different color combinations, typography styles, and visuals that make your packaging stand out from the competition. By embracing creativity, you can capture customers’ attention and leave a lasting impression.

Remember, successful packaging design is a continuous process of improvement. Seek inspiration from industry experts and stay informed about emerging design trends. By constantly evolving and refining your packaging, you can ensure your brand stays ahead and maintains its appeal.


What are some tips for successful packaging design?

Some tips for successful packaging design include considering the whole package, doing test prints, thinking of packaging as problem-solving, and knowing your category.

How can I make my packaging design stand out from competitors?

To make your packaging design stand out from competitors, you can combine beautiful colors, typography, and photography to create an overall appealing package. Bold typography and daring color choices are also ways to catch your customers’ attention.

Why is test printing important in packaging design?

Test printing is essential in packaging design to ensure that all design choices are correct before printing thousands of packages. It allows you to see your design come to life and make any necessary adjustments.

How should I approach packaging design as problem-solving?

Packaging design should solve a specific problem. Determine what problem you want the packaging to solve and design it accordingly. Understand the market or category you’re designing for by analyzing your competitors’ strategies.

Why is keeping a tight brief important in packaging design?

Keeping a tight brief, whether it comes from a client or not, is important in packaging design. Asking as many questions as possible helps establish exactly what the client wants and makes the design process more enjoyable. Magic often happens within tight constraints.

How can I catch my customers’ attention with packaging design?

To catch your customers’ attention, you can use unique printing techniques, such as laminates, embossing, white print, and textures. Differentiating your product by using matte laminate instead of glossy, for example, will redirect your customers’ focus in highly saturated markets.

What types of packaging should I utilize to showcase my brand?

Packaging extends beyond just boxes. You can utilize various types of packaging, such as mailer bags, envelopes, and stand-up pouches, to showcase your brand. Making the most of your packaging by printing information on the inside creates an intimate connection between the product and the consumer.

What are some key factors to consider in effective packaging design?

Some key factors to consider in effective packaging design include understanding your target audience, knowing market trends, and utilizing unique design elements. By following these tips and seeking inspiration from industry experts, you can create innovative, successful, and creative packaging solutions.

15 Top Packaging Design Tips
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